Articles (Non-Fiction)


  • High Stakes in Pro Wrestling

    My hot take is that people don’t need “storytelling”, what they need are favorites. Storytelling is a great tool to use in creating favorites, but what really draws people in are not the overall stories but the personal stories of their favorite wrestlers. By “personal stories” I’m not talking about boo-hoo family drama. What I ...


  • French Propaganda Technique, or Why I Bounced Off of Jacques Ellul

    These works of Ellul are thought-provoking but they are not works of first-rate philosophy. Ellul’s analysis in them is too limited. His observations can be made more useful but they will need someone who can go through his works line by line and elaborate the points that he touches on. As an account of these ...

  • Hot Allostatic Vampire Castle

    The reason that this distinction is important is because both Vampire’s Castle and Allostatic Load locate the issues as specifically being within leftism, progressivism, trans identity, etc.: generally left-wing politics. This identification is a result of their specific grievances, not because leftism itself has a problem. These problems are problems of community in general. Looking ...

  • Adventures, Morality, and the Outer Worlds

    Why do adventure games force you to slay a whole dungeon full of bad guys, but then say that if you spare the boss, you’re a saint?

  • Those Who Wish Me Dead: What Is a Neo-Western?

    I’ve always felt the need to defend my love of westerns as a genre, and I think that if the makers of Those Who Wish Me Dead are also primarily western-lovers, they also feel this need. I bring it up because I did see this movie described as a “neo-western” which is an ...

  • Bad Magic: Planeswalkers

    Finally, I have come back to Magic: the Gathering. Buuuut the planeswalker focus makes me feel I might be walking back out.

  • Bad Magic: Ninefox Gambit

    This book is bad. I’m not going to talk about why the book in general is bad but you should know that I think this going in. I had enough issues with this book that even if the magic system had been revolutionary I wouldn’t have liked it. But the magic system wasn’t ...

  • What’s So Great About Darkest Dungeon?

    I really enjoy Darkest Dungeon. It’s extremely frustrating game but I keep coming back. Why?

  • Art, Mentality, and Pro Wrestling

    Pro wrestling and video games are actually good companions in the conversation about art. Both of them are often viewed as junk to consume, crude even if they are found somehow addicting. You understand where the idea comes from when you think about early games like Space Invaders, Galaga, Pac-Man, Super Mario, games that seem ...

  • Mass Effect’s Many Distractions

    Storytelling in video games is one of the biggest challenges in front of a game developer. A gripping story gives shape and meaning to the obstacles of each stage. What makes video games unique is the participation of the reader, the viewer, the gamer. In a traditional storytelling mode like prose fiction or ...